
It's not easy.

Navigating the challenging terrain of sexual addiction is far from easy. This destructive cycle manifests in various forms, from online pornography and risky sexual encounters to patronizing prostitutes, excessive masturbation, multiple affairs, and even exhibitionism or voyeurism.

The impact is profound; intimacy becomes elusive, relationships strain, and the repercussions extend to job loss, marriage breakdowns, legal threats, and even jeopardized health. As sexual addiction progresses, these consequences worsen over time.

Seeking help is undoubtedly tough and often accompanied by a sense of embarrassment. Discussing one's sexual behavior is inherently difficult, given its private nature. For those grappling with sexual addiction, the burden of these compulsions can be particularly shameful, exacerbated by the "double life" many addicts lead, which can be more painful than the behavior itself.

However, living in shame is neither deserved nor necessary.

Help and compassion are essential because, much like any addiction, recovery is nearly impossible without support. Sexual addiction is often rooted in early attachment relationships, trauma, abandonment, and toxic shame, making effective treatment crucial for addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

It's time to conquer the past, face the present, and flourish in the future.

I provide individual, family, and group therapy tailored to treat sexual addiction and facilitate recovery for you and your loved ones. Ready to take the first step?

Call (561) 573-6710 to schedule your free consultation today or email me at

Sex Addiction